IQ Tests

Typical IQ definition

An intelligence quotient, or IQ, - a numerical representation of intelligence. IQ is derived from dividing mental age (result from an intelligence test) by the chronological age times 100. Traditionally, an average IQ is considered to be 100.

Criticism of static IQ tests

1. First of all, intelligence standard units - average IQs of various age samples of population are incorrectly chosen. These values are changeable in time, hence, they can't be any standards.

2. If intelligence is quantifiable, then we should define the only standard unit for it, but not the set of standards (for different ages). The average IQ of mankind can't be the unit due to its inconstancy with time.

3.The intelligence of any human changes with time (depending on the state in a day). Therefore any IQ test measures IQ only during testing, instead of average IQ of the examinee. Static IQ tests (by Eysenck, Wechsler, Raven, Amthauer...) are useless for measurement of average and maximum IQ of an examinee since their repeated use assumes, that he does not have any memory. Procedure of testing turns to a swindle, if it pass off the during testing IQ as average IQ.

4. Hence it is impossible to state, by the static tests, - who from two humans is smarter.

5. Test time limitation (thirty minutes as usual) leads to simplification of test tasks. Examinee is given less than three minutes for solving an average task. Small time determines choosing of simple tasks (the easier the task, the less time is required for its solving).

New IQ tests generation

The imperfections of IQ tests have led to arising essentially new IQ tests based on random test tasks with equal average complexity.

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